General Cleaning Plant:

General Cleaning Plant:

The ProProcess puts hand labor, tools, industrial washers, sweepers and cleaning supplies at the customer facilities.

It aims to meet the customer's cleaning requirements, for the satisfaction and well-being of all employees and customers.

Manual Cleaning Industrial Equipment:

Manual Cleaning Industrial Equipment:

We clean machines manually the production area, from robots, welding equipment, stamping, cutting, painting.

We also do cleaning extractors fumes and cleaning in height, using platform lift.

Cryogenic Cleaning:

Cryogenic Cleaning:

This is a non-abrasive cleaning process by the projection of dry ice particles (solid CO2) at high speed eliminates the existing dirt on surfaces without generating wastes. Here are the advantages of this cleaning::


  • - Cost reduction

  • - No damage or wearing equipment

  • - Green

  • - We put dry ice equipment and customer premises
